Your feedback on A Separation

We received feedback from 27 members and guests following the screening of
A Separation on 30th May

Here’s how you rated the film:

  • ‘Excellent’: 18 votes
  • ‘Very Good’: 8 votes
  • ‘Good’: 0 votes
  • ‘Satisfactory’: 0 votes
  • ‘Poor’: 0 votes
  • Unrated – 1 comment

See the first reply for the comments that were made on the response slips.  If you didn’t leave comments on the night or, having had time to reflect, you wish to say more about the film, we would welcome your replies.

One thought on “Your feedback on A Separation

  1. ‘Excellent’: 18 votes
    => Brilliant! Marvellous depiction of moral choices and where no one was wrong or wholly right.
    => Totally brilliant – best film this year! Really engrossing and thought-provoking, with many layers of meaning.
    => Absolutely gripping narrative – and well observed. A real insight into how ordinary people live in Iran. And much to think about vis-à-vis the ‘class’ system and how religious belief impinges on it! Great!
    => Intense & powerful
    => Incredibly powerful & terribly sad. Impossible to imagine how East & West can ever really understand each other when the position of women is as it is in the Muslim tradition. Beautifully acted – so much emotion & so little physical contact!
    => It confirmed that events control people and that Iran has a humane justice system.
    => Well-acted, realistic. Another [sorry, I can’t make out the word] film!!
    => Very well acted. Drew one in completely to their predicaments.
    => Wonderful film! Second viewing for me & just as good second time around. Very moving, superbly acted – especially Termeh and the Grandfather
    => An excellent, complex film full of impossible dilemmas.
    => A film of impossible decisions. The uncertain ending seemed appropriate.
    => Very absorbing. The acting was superb: more documentary (it was so convincing) yet gave us drama too.
    => Too drained to write much. Those performances! How did they do it? All those confrontations & dilemmas, totally convincing & clear. I liked the social class angle. Wonderful contrast between fiery parents and calm daughter.
    => A far different view of Iran than portrayed by the media – although subservient to men, women still have a voice. Excellent, inconclusive ending.
    => Amazing
    => A fascinating snapshot of the moral issues that confront a family in a Muslim & devout family.
    => A wonderful, humane film. It gives a picture of daily life in Iran which we never normally get. The best film of the season, outstanding!

    ‘Very Good: 8 votes
    => Wow! A maze of moral dilemmas. Well-acted & nice ending (in that it didn’t conclude everything).
    => Well directed. Well performed. Too prolonged?
    => Sad subject.
    => Superb acting – held my attention, although about 10-15 minutes too long because of the extended arguing.
    => Very interesting film – interesting to see the day to day life in Iran & the position of women in society. A very watchable 2 hours.

    1 Comment without a grade
    => I don’t know

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