Audience reaction to “Under The Fig Trees”

There were 18 reaction slips returned following the screening of this film.  The comments were:

  • ‘Excellent’: 1 vote
    • A day in the life as a life in a day.  Superb performances, masterful changes of emotion all at the same pace. The feudal meets the 21st Century yet both groups share the same human preoccupations. And moments of communal pure joy, the highlight.
  • ‘Very Good’: 11 votes
    • Tunisia may be a Muslim country, but the romantic dreams, flirtations and jealousies of youth and the disappointments and regrets of their elders are universal.
    • An interesting film.  It was good to see how the young women stood up for themselves and enjoyed each other’s company.
    • An enjoyable watch on a working day out in the orchard, under the sun.  Actresses were very impressive.
    • Observant naturalistic film making.  Quite a contrast to the last film I saw – Dune 2!
    • Wonderfully naturalistic performances coaxed from all the principal actors in this gentle paced gem of a film.
    • Fascinating observations: the men like men everywhere, and the women & girls who just want to have fun – and ‘love’!
    • A privilege to watch – A lot said but subtly.  One would just hope that the younger generation would have a better life in male/female relationships.
    • Interesting concept for the story.  Enjoyed the portrayal of ‘everyday’ squabbles, rivalries, hurt feelings, etc.
    • Simple and real, the essence of life condensed into one day.
    • I recall pea-picking 40 years ago was more intense – but not as hot.
  • ‘Good’: 3 votes
    • Well-acted by ‘non actors’.  Tensions between generations, sexes and Boss and workers well portrayed.
    • While it was great to see Islamic women as individuals and not through a western or male gaze, I have to admit I did still find it a bit bland and like being at work myself.  Always good to see the sisterhood thriving though.
  • ‘Satisfactory’: 3 votes
    • Eastenders on a fig tree plot? Mildly entertaining but didn’t grab me!
    • Tedious in the extreme.
    • Felt very slow, despite being quite short.
  • ‘Poor’: 0 votes

To read all the comments, click on the following link:
Feedback for Under The Fig Trees

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