Your feedback for ‘Whiplash’

There were 29 feedback response slips returned after the showing of this film. The breakdown from these slips were as follows: Rating: ★★★★½

  • ‘Excellent’: 20 votes
  • ‘Very Good’: 6 votes
  • ‘Good’: 0 votes
  • ‘Satisfactory’: 1 vote
  • ‘Poor’: 1 vote
  • + 1 slip marked “OK: If you’re a sadist’

Feedback comments for “Whiplash”.

As ever, we are always interested to receive any additional comments people may have on this film.

One thought on “Your feedback for ‘Whiplash’

  1. From the reaction slips, this was a really well received film (it sold me, purely on the music!!) Too often, in films of this nature, enjoyment can be marred if the actors are miming playing their instruments (like a film with poor lip-syncing or badly dubbed) – not so in this case, both Miles Teller and J.K.Simmons were genuinely playing and gave convincing performances throughout.
    The ending was somewhat preposterous – whilst accepting that J.K.Simmons character was looking for another “Bird”, would he really have been so quick to forgive the student who ended his career? Nonetheless, this didn’t detract from a very enjoyable film

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