Thursday 22 January: Thérèse (12)

Original title: “Thérèse Desqueyroux”
France  –  Drama  –  Year: 2012  – Running time: 110 mins

Audience feedback: Rating: ★★★½☆ (3.41 from 27 votes)


  • ‘Excellent’: 5 votes
  • ‘Very Good’: 9 votes
  • ‘Good’: 6 votes
  • ‘Satisfactory’: 6 votes
  • ‘Poor’: 1 vote

Another adaptation of François Mauriac’s 1927 novel, the previous one being in 1962, Miller’s last film (he died recently, aged 70) stars Audrey Tautou as the daughter of a wealthy pinery owner and radical-socialist politician, struggling to break free from social pressures. She thinks, reads and smokes too much in the tradition of feisty heroines but still retains a keen appreciation of her family’s riches and social standing and sees how advantageous it would be to marry the dull, wealthy landowner, Bernard Desqueyroux.

Miller’s film is a work of emotional reserve, eschewing psychological explanation in favor of unadorned observation – of human behavior as well as nature and the still lifes of the domestic world.
Sheri Linden, LA Times

Director: Claude Miller
A Secret (2007) / Alias Betty (2001) / Garde à vue (1981)

Read about this film in IMDB

Film notes (Bob Foale)
Audience feedback

Further reading:
Telegraph films (David Gritten)
Guardian Film (Peter Bradshaw)

Theatrical Trailer:

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